Music and Theater
Coffee House
Coffee Houses provide an opportunity for students to showcase their gifts and talents—whether it be vocals, 2D-Art, poetry, instrumentals, and more. Plus, there is a coffee cart to enhance the mood.
Check the calendar for upcoming Coffee Houses.
Fall Play
Each fall Central Catholic produces a theater production. In fall of 2023 it was The Crucible. Learn more about our fall play, and auditions, here.
Instrumental and Vocal Music
Central Catholic has a myriad of opportunities for students looking to explore their musical talents. From electronic music, to pep band, jazz, to Battle of the Bands, there is something for everyone.
Music Liturgy
Students have the opportunity to use their musical talents to enhance our Masses by participating in Music Liturgy.
Open Mic Night
Open Mic Nights provide an opportunity for students to showcase their gifts and talents—whether it be vocals, 2D-Art, poetry, instrumentals, and more.
Check the calendar for upcoming Open Mic Nights.
Spring Musical
Each spring Central Catholic produces a musical theater production. In spring of 2024 it was The Secret Garden. Check back soon for more information about our Spring 2025 production.