Daily Prayer
Lord God, be with all those who have struggled with suicidal thinking, who have lost a loved one to suicide, and those who need support. Be with them. Help them to know that they are not alone, that they are loved, and that they have places to turn when they’re in need. Thankful for God’s eternal mercy, we pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died by suicide.
Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Adapted from a prayers by National Catholic Partnership on Disability and Soul Shop
Seniors and their parents/guardians are invited to attend Senior College Planning Night tonight at 6:00 P.M. in the Weston Commons. Questions? See Ms. Calcagno or Ms. Wallenius.
The Club Fair is just around the corner! If you're thinking about starting a new club or need to confirm that your existing club is registered for the event, please reach out to Mr. Gray. You can email him at, or stop by the Student Activities Center during break or lunch. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to showcase your club! The last day to register is Friday, September 20!
Hey Central Catholic Students!
Ignatian Teach In applications are available now! The Teach-in, is the largest annual Catholic social justice gathering in the United States. It is an invaluable conference to learn, pray, and advocate for justice! Please check your email for access to an application. You can also use the qr code on the fliers posted around school hallways or pick up an application in Mrs. Lowery's office, Room 118. Applications are due Thursday September 12.
The last day to add a new class is Wednesday, September 11. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Today's Schedule
This Week's Lunch Menu
Monday: Orange Chicken or Tofu with Rice
Tuesday: Burrito (beef & beans or bean & cheese), Rice & Tortilla Chips
Wednesday: Broccoli and Beef with Rice
Thursday: Chicken Tenders & Waffles
Friday: Baked Ziti & Breadstick
Every day the cafeteria has a selection of grilled, deli, pizza, and on-the-go items.