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College and Career Counseling

At Central Catholic, we realize that students have many choices about their future.
For some that means pursuing a living wage job or technical training after they graduate. But for over 98% of our students it means attending a two- or four-year college or university. Central Catholic provides its student body with ample resources to aid in the college selection process:
  • Students work with counselors to create an individualized four-year plan.
  • Full-time College Counselor, Teri Calcagno '85, works directly with students and families.
  • Students and families receive information and are encouraged to attend many college planning events.
  • A monthly college planning newsletter is sent to all junior families beginning in December and all senior families throughout the year.

Upcoming College Visits

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Tools and Resources

College and Career Counseling Team

David Blue

Titles: Director of Student Services
Phone Numbers:
School: 503.235.3138 ext. 1113

Teri Calcagno

Class of 1985
Titles: College Counselor
Phone Numbers:
School: 503.235.3138 ext. 1522