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Four-Year Plan

Mission: The mission of the Central Catholic High School Counseling Department is to provide a comprehensive, data-driven, culturally responsive program that inspires and encourages students to become the best version of themselves.
Vision: Our comprehensive counseling program envisions that all students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to bring their unique gifts to serve the world. Our program develops students’ academic and social/emotional growth, as well as college and career readiness. All students graduate with a commitment to excellence, integrity and engagement, and unwavering compassion towards one another.
Ninth Grade: Engage 
When students enter Central Catholic, our counselors help them adjust to our high school community, begin goal-setting, explore post-secondary pathways, and become self-advocates. 
  • Understand the role of the school counselor and other available support resources to adjust to high school life. 
  • Identify opportunities for intentional engagement with a variety of student life activities, including service, clubs, athletics, events, and Community Ministry.
  • Building a foundation for academic and personal success.
  • Regular check-ins with counselors to discuss progress and adjustments.
Tenth Grade: Explore 
Counselors support and guide students while they actively explore opportunities to better understand their gifts and cultivate an informed plan for success.  
  • Deeper understanding and application of Central Catholic values into community & life
  • Career exploration through research, interest inventories/self-discovery activities
  • Exploration of academics, extracurriculars, and career paths, connecting current interests to future career prospects and personal passions.
  • Introduction to basic college and career planning including college admission requirements, admission tests, and the admission process. 
Eleventh Grade: Emerge
Students take more ownership translating their values into actionable behaviors, fostering personal growth and integrity in their everyday lives. Counselors support students through their individual discernment process exploring post-high school options.  
  • Focused future planning with assigned counselors guided by questions such as: Who am I? Who do I want to become? How do I show up in the world? 
  • Preliminary collaboration with College, Life and Career Counselors begins in the second semester. 
  • In-depth understanding of post-secondary options as they relate to students interests, skills, goals and values. 
  • Continued academic focus and exploration of advanced courses.
Twelfth Grade: Enact
Students solidify their post-secondary plans with individualized support, guidance, and resources, whether they choose a traditional college path or explore alternative routes. Counselors provide emotional support and encouragement to help manage stress, anxiety, and uncertainty as students transition to the next phase of their journey.
  • Ensure students meet graduation requirements through personalized monitoring, advising, and scheduling assistance
  • Offer support on matters such as college admissions, financial aid, and scholarships.
  • Ongoing collaboration continues with College, Life and Career Counselor, ensuring each student has a personalized future plan.